Take Advantage Of The MASSIVE $350 Billion E-Learning Industry

“Get Your Online Course DONE In Just 14 Days...

So you can monetize it over MANY TIMES and in MANY WAYS!"
A 14 Days Challenge That Will Extract Your Expert Knowledge And Turn It Into An Online Course.

No Prior Online Experience, Expensive Tech Equipments, Or "Flair For Camera" Needed!

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Next Challenge Starting On:

26th September 2024 (Thursday)

When you join today (for FREE!), you will get immediate access to the Pre-Challenge Training. So you will be 100% prepared when the challenge starts!

Here's How It Works

Once you signed up, you will join the Facebook group to access the Pre-Challenge Training.

A short and compact challenge video will be released in the Facebook group daily, which means you can be part of it no matter what time zone you are in.

You will follow through and complete the task.

You will receive support throughout the 14 days challenge in the group.

I will hold you by the hands and walk you through step-by-step what to do and show you move-by-move.

And nope, you don't need any crazy setup, expensive equipments or prior experience!

There will be a Graduation Masterclass on the final day to show you step-by-step how you can use the online course you just created to build an online empire.

You'll Walk Through The 3 Strategic Phases Of How To Create An Online Course In Just 14 Days, Without Compromising Quality.



The Goal:

Niche | Problem | Solution



The Goal:

Title | Tagline | Outline



The Goal:

Content | Stories | Videos

The Best Selling (and Most Expensive) Online Courses In The World Are Created STRATEGICALLY To Solve Problems FAST.
And It Has Nothing To Do With The Number Of Hours Of The Course, Using Expensive Equipments Or Crazy Tech Set Up.

A framework for successful rinse & repeat process!

~ Sue Bergman

I really made progress in getting my course online!

~ James Ng

You'll Be Given EVERYTHING You Need...
So Your Very Own Online Course Will Be Ready In Just 14 Days... Ready To Monetize!
Here's What You'll Be Getting...

14 Days Challenge Training

Everyday during the challenge, you'll receive a quick instruction video that shows you exactly step-by-step what to do... taking all the guesswork out for you.

$238 Value

 Your Daily Strategy Worksheets

These daily strategy worksheets will be your companion throughout the challenge. It gives you a clear visualisation of what to complete at the end of each day... so you won't be confused at all.

$95 Value

 Daily Challenge Support Group

You will be in a group receiving daily support from me (and your peers!) throughout the challenge. You can ask questions, seek feedback and know that you're not alone in this challenge.

$495 Value

 Pre-Challenge Warm Up Training

The moment you join the challenge today, you get access to a 68 minutes deep dive training with me on "Discover Your Superpower And Your Ideal Clients". Whether you are completely new or already have prior experience, this Pre-Challenge Warm Up training will get you 100% prepared before the challenge starts.

$199 Value

 Ultimate Success Formula + DONE Formula Training

Between now and your goal of getting your online course created, there are a ton of challenges, distractions and stuffs that may knock you off track. In our $2,000 NLP Certification live programs, one of the very first thing we teach is the Science and Art of achieving goals... The Ultimate Success Formula (Science) and the DONE formula (Art). In this bonus training, you'll discover the secrets of becoming unstoppable and achieve your goals.

$97 Value

 Graduation Masterclass

In this Graduation Masterclass, you will discover the tactical strategies of using your online course that you've just created to gain an 'unfair advantage' in your market. And most importantly, turning them into revenue $$$.

$288 Value

Who Is This Challenge For

TRAINERS who want to package their content into a scalable format.

COACHES who want to use online courses to further support their students' progress.

CONSULTANTS who want to educate their market.

SPEAKERS who want to demonstrate their expertise.

If you have a solution that solves a problem.

With or without experience.


Hopefully with the huge amount of real world value you get from this challenge, you’ll want to work with me in other ways.

That’s my "evil” ulterior motive… for you to be able to create your online course FAST and gain an 'unfair advantage' in your market, and ultimately come back and buy other products and services that I sell.

Sounds fair? :)

Why You Need To Get In Now

There are more and more people creating online courses now.

The good news is, most of them are struggling.

The bad news is, they'll somehow figure it out soon.

If you truly want to be ahead of your competition, impact more lives with your expertise, be positioned as the expert authority...

NOW is the time to join this 14 days challenge.

Here's A Recap Of



When You Join The 14 Days Challenge NOW!

14 Days Challenge Training ($238 Value)

​Your Daily Strategy Worksheets ($95 Value)

​Daily Challenge Support Group ($495 Value)

Pre-Challenge Warm Up Training ($199 Value)

​Ultimate Success Formula + DONE Formula Training ($97 Value)

​Graduation Masterclass ($288 Value)


All Rights Reserved

8 Kaki Bukit Avenue 4, #04-26, Premier @ Kaki Bukit, Singapore 415875

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