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How To Use Testimonials For Online Credibility

How To Use Testimonials For Online Credibility

One of the first few things that your website visitors will determine when they visit your website or online store, often on a subconscious level, is whether they can believe what they are seeing.

So a website visitor will decide on your business credibility by the layout and design of your website, the content and information, the style of the content being presented and also your products and services.

However one of the most under-utilised tool by most business owners is client testimonials. Many businesses are using some form of client testimonials on their website. But most aren't using it correctly and may even cause detrimental effects.

In this article, we will show you how to use it effectively so that it will amplify the effect and gain you extra points on credibility.

So here are 3 ways that at AD GUYS & CO, we always include when building our clients' websites.

#1: Always Include First and Last Name:

Jonathan... is not good enough. Mr. Tan, not good too.

Jonathan Tan, is a good and credible representation of a real person in the reader's eyes.

What makes a testimonial effective is not only on what is being said, but also that it's said by a real person.

If there is any doubt in your prospect's mind that the testimonial may be unreal, then it will be ineffective.

#2: Include a Company and Position:

Especially if you are selling to corporate organisations, when you add a company and position to the testimonial, it suddenly becomes more real.

Now it's not only said by Jonathan Tan, it is by Jonathan Tan, the General Manager of Delicious F&B Enterprise in Singapore.

See that? When you combine a full name with the company and position, it's instantly believable.

The above example is useful when selling to corporate organisations.

What about in a B2C environment where your clients may be e.g. parents.

Now, you can tweak the company and position to the status of the individual to reflect the relevancy to your business.

For e.g. Jonathan Tan, father of two. Or, Jonathan Tan, stay-at-home dad to two sons, age 4 and 7.

#3: Include a Picture:

When you include a picture of the client, it makes it as real as it possibly can.

You want to have a headshot, instead of a full body picture, usually because of the layout on most mobile optimised website nowadays.

Pro Tip: If you can include a picture of your client together with you, it adds a few more credibility points.

There are some exceptions to the above.

If you are selling B2C and mostly through social channels, then another form of presenting your clients' testimonials will work too.

And this is using screenshot of the testimonials they leave on your social channels e.g. Facebook or Google.

Because in such cases, you are promoting and selling mainly through social channels, your customers will easily be convinced when they see screenshots of testimonials from the same social channel they are on.

So, here you are. The 3 ways that you can include to amplify your clients' testimonials credibility on your website.

If you are a business owner, get a free trial to our All-In-One Digital Marketing Software here so that you can build all your websites, sales funnels, email campaigns, automations and take appointment booking on one single platform.

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